Safe Communtiy provides various helpful hints and tips on topics ranging from ATM fraud, benefits of community clean ups, what are Community Police Forums, snake bite first aid tips and many more! Keeping you and your loved ones informed.
Environmental sustainability helps prevent global warming and climate change.
It is said that approx 90% of all road traffic accidents in South Africa is caused by driver error.
Drink spiking is when someone deliberately adds alcohol or another drug to your drink without your knowledge.
Always position the guns barrel in the opposite direction of a safe’s opening.
Keep matches out of the reach of children. Do not overload electrical sockets or run electrical cords under carpets.
When it comes to home safety, it’s important to be prepared and safeguard you and your family should you ever be involved in a bad situation. This information may save a life.
If your vehicle is not heavily damaged and is obstructing traffic, move it to a safe location. However, ensure you photograph the scene and damages first.
Accurate crime reporting is crucial to ensure that police stations are adequately equipped.
Community Watch is an organised group of civilians devoted to crime prevention within a neighborhood.
Have your key ready, but not visible. Keep any valuables out of site while driving or when your vehicle is parked.
Internet fraud is the use of Internet services or software with Internet access to defraud victims or to otherwise take advantage of them.
If you constantly exercise at 08:30 in the morning on the same trail, this can help an attacker plan a more successful attack.
When you believe a person in your life has disappeared, it’s important to act quickly!
If a dog feels threatened, it may bark to warn somebody to stay away or leave. Other times, they may bark because they want something in particular.
Criminals in S.A are using radio transmitted gate remotes to interrupt the signal emitted from a car-key and the vehicle’s transponder.
Dog poisoning within criminal intent is unfortunately a common occurrence in South Africa.
In this frightening scenario, instinct can play a key role.
Before setting out to scour the neighborhood, you should place food, water and an unwashed piece of clothing with your scent outside the door.
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